
class spectree.spec.SpecTree[source]


  • backend_name (str) – choose from (‘flask’, ‘quart’, ‘falcon’, ‘falcon-asgi’, ‘starlette’)

  • backend – a backend that inherit SpecTree.plugins.base.BasePlugin, this will override the backend_name if provided

  • app – backend framework application instance (can be registered later)

  • before – a callback function of the form spectree.utils.default_before_handler() func(req, resp, req_validation_error, instance) that will be called after the request validation before the endpoint function

  • after – a callback function of the form spectree.utils.default_after_handler() func(req, resp, resp_validation_error, instance) that will be called after the response validation

  • validation_error_status – The default response status code to use in the event of a validation error. This value can be overridden for specific endpoints if needed.

  • kwargs – init spectree.config.Configuration, they can also be configured through the environment variables with prefix spectree_

__init__(backend_name: str = 'base', backend: ~typing.Type[~spectree.plugins.base.BasePlugin] | None = None, app: ~typing.Any = None, before: ~typing.Callable = <function default_before_handler>, after: ~typing.Callable = <function default_after_handler>, validation_error_status: int = 422, validation_error_model: ~typing.Type[~spectree._types.BaseModelSubclassType] | None = None, naming_strategy: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Type[~spectree._types.BaseModelSubclassType]], str] = <function get_model_key>, nested_naming_strategy: ~typing.Callable[[str, str], str] = <function get_nested_key>, **kwargs: ~typing.Any)[source]
bypass(func: Callable)[source]

bypass rules for routes (mode defined in config)


collect all the routes exclude those decorated by other SpecTree instance


collect all the routes


collect all the routes decorated by this instance

register(app: Any)[source]

register to backend application

This will be automatically triggered if the app is passed into the init step.

property spec

get the OpenAPI spec

validate(query: Type[BaseModelSubclassType] | None = None, json: Type[BaseModelSubclassType] | None = None, form: Type[BaseModelSubclassType] | None = None, headers: Type[BaseModelSubclassType] | None = None, cookies: Type[BaseModelSubclassType] | None = None, resp: Response | None = None, tags: Sequence = (), security: Any = None, deprecated: bool = False, before: Callable | None = None, after: Callable | None = None, validation_error_status: int = 0, path_parameter_descriptions: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, skip_validation: bool = False, operation_id: str | None = None) Callable[source]
  • validate query, json, headers in request

  • validate response body and status code

  • add tags to this API route

  • add security to this API route

  • querypydantic.BaseModel, query in uri like ?name=value

  • jsonpydantic.BaseModel, JSON format request body

  • formpydantic.BaseModel, form-data request body

  • headerspydantic.BaseModel, if you have specific headers

  • cookiespydantic.BaseModel, if you have cookies for this route

  • respspectree.Response

  • tags – a tuple of strings or spectree.models.Tag

  • security – dict with security config for current route and method

  • deprecated – bool, if endpoint is marked as deprecated

  • beforespectree.utils.default_before_handler() for specific endpoint

  • afterspectree.utils.default_after_handler() for specific endpoint

  • validation_error_status – The response status code to use for the specific endpoint, in the event of a validation error. If not specified, the global validation_error_status is used instead, defined in spectree.spec.SpecTree().

  • path_parameter_descriptions – A dictionary of path parameter names and their description.

  • skip_validation – If set to True, the endpoint will skip request / response validations.

  • operation_id – a string override for operationId for the given endpoint